Dead Reasons
  • 11 Oct 2021
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Dead Reasons

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Article summary

In most cases, marking an opportunity dead does not mean that you should no longer follow up with it. Dead Reasons allow you to get granular with why the opportunities were marked dead and set up tasks around those reasons to follow up again in the future.

  1. Select a Team you wish to view
  2. Click ⚙️ the gear icon
  3. Select Dead Reasons

In Dead Reasons, there are 2 categories and 5 pre-existing reasons to select from. You can add sub-reasons in each reason to further elaborate on why an opportunity was marked dead.

Lead Dead Reasons

Lead Dead Reasons are for opportunities that were marked dead while in the Qualification pipeline where you are trying to establish contact with the seller through the actions Call new Lead, Follow up with Seller, etc. If you mark an opportunity dead while in this phase, you can tell the system whether the opportunity is Invalid, you have the Wrong Number, they want to be put in your Do Not Call list, or they say they are Not Interested.

Opportunity Dead Reasons

Opportunity Dead Reasons is for when you have already contacted the seller, built rapport, and essentially moved the opportunity to the Pursue pipeline where you are trying to book an appointment with the seller or make an offer. If you mark an opportunity dead while in the middle of pursuing the opportunity, the default reason is Opportunity Lost and you can further expand on this by adding a sub-reason i.e Already sold, went with another investor, etc.

Dead Reason Settings

You can assign a task, send an email notification, or the opportunity info to a webhook for each Dead Reasons. These settings are also available in the Sub-Reasons.


When you create a Sub-Reason, you can automatically assign a task to someone whenever an opportunity is marked dead and the Sub-Reason is selected.

  1. Select a Dead Reason
  2. In the Task tab, tick the check box to assign a task when the reason is chosen
  3. Enter the Task Title or Name
  4. Select a team member to assign the task
  5. Enter the number of days the task should be due after it is assigned

Email Notification

Automatically send a custom email notification to one or multiple people whenever the Sub-Reason is selected.

  1. Click on Email Notification tab
  2. Enter the email/s where the notification will be sent to. Separate the emails with a comma if sending to multiple emails.
  3. Add an Email Subject
  4. Write the body of the notification. Seller details, opportunity details, and link to opportunity will all populate at the bottom of your email body.


Send the details of the opportunity to tools like Google Spreadsheet, Slack, etc. whenever the Sub-Reason is selected. 

  1. Click the Webhook tab
  2. Enter the Webhook URL where the opportunity info will be sent
  3. Click 💾 the save icon

Add a Sub-Reason

  1. Select a Team you wish to view
  2. Click ⚙️ the gear icon
  3. Select Dead Reasons
  4. Click on the Dead Reason where you want to add a sub-reason
  5. Click +Add Sub-Reason. A pop up will open at the bottom of the page
  6. Enter the name of the Sub-Reason
  7. Enter the Status. This is going to be the status of the opportunity if you mark it dead and use this Sub-Reason.
  8. Click Save

Mark an Opportunity Dead

The Dead Reasons and all of your Sub Reasons will appear when you mark an opportunity dead. Click on the article below to learn how to mark an opportunity dead.

Mark and Revive Dead Opportunities

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