My Dashboard
  • 29 Mar 2023
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My Dashboard

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Article summary

My Profile is a collective information dashboard that shows your Actions Timline and your Scorecard.

This is a read-only dashboard designed to give you a big-picture look at what you may want to track and/or are responsible to manage.

View My Profile Overview

  1. Click your Profile Picture
  2. Select My Dashboard
  3. The Action Timeline shows the number of Actions you have across all Teams that are overdue, due today, and for the 
  4. My Scorecard tracks your performance based on completed actions, speed to lead, etc. This is a personal dashboard that other team members will not see. The collective scorecard of every team member can be viewed in the Employee Scorecard.
  5. Click the three-dot icon to filter My Scorecard by date
Pro and Premium Feature
My Scorecard is available to Pro and Premium teams. If you are on Essentials and would like to upgrade, please email or send our support team a chat.

Mini Dashboard

The Mini Dashboard is a personal dashboard that tracks your daily KPIs. It also tracks phone metrics like the number of inbound/outbound calls, average talk-time, etc, if you have smrtPhone integrated. For the phone metrics to work, the Communication Assignment section has to be configured. Click here to learn how to set up Communication Assignment.

Pro and Premium Feature
Mini Dashboard is available for Pro and Premium Users. If you are on the Essentials plan and are interested in upgrading, please email or contact support.
Your content goes here

If you are on the Premium plan, you can access the data being collected from your team members in the Employee Scorecard. The Mini Dashboard tracks the following info:

  • Actions completed
  • Speed to Lead or how fast you update a call new lead action
  • Opportunities touched or number of unique Opportunities you updated either by completing an action, sending a text, an email, or calls through smrtPhone or Callrail.
  • Inbound calls 
  • Outbound calls 
  • # of calls more than 1 minute
  • # of calls more than 5 minute
  • Total talk time in minutes
  • Offers made
  • Contracts sent
  • Deals signed

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