Follow Up Sequences
  • 12 Jan 2021
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Follow Up Sequences

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Article summary

Sequences are a group of messages that are sent out to your leads on a timed basis and can be customized depending on how you want to follow up with the seller. Your account will have four Lead Sequences automatically added to your market space and you may edit these as you desire. 

The four sequences that are entered as a default for you are:

Hot Offer Follow Up

This sequence is for a hot lead that is very interested in selling and an offer has been made. 


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Warm Offer Follow Up

This sequence is for a seller who is considered a "warm" seller who isn't necessarily interested in selling immediately but may be interested down the road and an offer has been sent. 


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Cold Offer Follow Up

This is a long term sequence for someone who is not interested in selling but may be long term. 


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 Can't Reach 

Set this sequence for someone who called you or filled out a webform but you cannot reach them. 


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These can be edited anytime and you can add your own custom Sequences. 

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